Computer Graphics Section

The student research group “Computer Graphics” at the Institute of Computer Science is engaged in research and projects in the field of computer graphics, covering 2D and 3D technologies. The circle’s activities include work on raster graphics, graphic programming and the use of modern graphic tools and engines.

Main areas of activity:

  • 2D and 3D graphics – Creating and editing models, animations and visualizations in two and three dimensions.
  • Raster Graphics – Working with raster images, their processing and optimization using programs such as Photoshop, GIMP and Krita.
  • Unreal Engine – Executing projects in the Unreal engine, used to create advanced, realistic 3D environments.
  • Unity – Developing games and applications in the Unity engine, which enables the design of interactive multimedia applications.
  • DirectX – Graphics programming using DirectX, a platform used to create computer graphics on Windows systems.

The Section conducts research and design activities, focusing on developing practical skills related to computer graphics and programming in this field.



nazwa instytucji lub imię nazwisko


Mariusz Marek M.Sc.


imię nazwisko – przewodniczący
imię nazwisko – wiceprzewodniczący
imię nazwisko – sekretarz

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