Research directions and areas

Computer Science Theory

The Institute of Computer Science at the University of Opole conducts research in a wide range of computer fields, covering both theoretical and practical aspects of science. In the area of computer logic, the research team analyzes fragments of first-order logics, their decidability and computational complexity. This research focuses on understanding the impact of various features of logics, such as transitivity and semantic constraints, which is crucial to the development of computer science theory.

AI & CyberSecurity

An important area of research at the Institute of Computer Science is artificial intelligence and its application in optimizing operating systems and network infrastructures. The Institute’s researchers are developing advanced AI algorithms to help manage computer resources, improve the performance of wireless networks and improve data security in operating systems. In parallel, research is being conducted on cryptography and cybersecurity, including the security of mobile applications and IoT devices.

Data Science

The institute is also involved in data mining and machine learning, which have broad applications in analyzing large data sets, optimizing business processes and personalizing digital services. Research teams are developing techniques that support, among other things, classification of user behavior in e-commerce systems, identification of online bots and optimization of decisions in computer games. The work is aimed at creating more reliable and efficient information systems.

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